Monday, 23 December 2013



Answer the following questions in your practice notebook:

Emergence of Independent states in India

1.     Name the founders of the following states during mughal rule:
a)     Bengal
b)    Awadh
c)     Hyderabad
2.     Who transformed the Sikhs into a powerful political force?
3.     Who was the most famous Maratha ruler?
4.     What title was taken by Shivaji?
5.     Who was Shivaji’s mother?
6.     Who carried out successful wars against Marathas and the Nizams?
7.     Who was the most famous ruler of Mysore and why?
8.     Which three states openly asserted their independence from the Mughal Empire?

Human Environment

9.    What are the main factors responsible for permanent settlement?
10.  What do you mean by wet point settlement?
11.  What is the impact of transport on a country’s economic development?
12.   Write any 3 advantages of railways.
13.  Write any three points of difference between roadways and waterways.
14.  Which mode of transport is best suited for transportation of liquid materials.
15.   Define the term ‘communication’.


Holiday Homework
Worksheet-Social science
Class VI

Read the lesson INDIA- MY MOTHERLAND and answer the following questions ( take PRINT OUT of the worksheet):

         1)    ____________ latitude passes through the middle of India.

         2)    India is surrounded by _______ sea in the west and _______ in east.

         3)    India shares its borders with _______ and _______ in the north west.

         4)    Sri Lanka and India are separated by a narrow sea called the ________.

         5)    Southernmost tip of  mainland India is the cape of _______.

         6)    Southernmost tip of india that lies in Nicobar Island is _______.

         7)    The easternmost state of India is ______.

          8)    Standard meridian of India is _______ longitude.

          9 )    _______ is the largest glacier of the world.

10)  Northernmost range of Himalayas is called ______.

11)   What is the name of the chain of mountains located along the north of India? _____________________

12)  What is the name of the river that flows through India’s capital city? 

13)  Northern plains of India have been formed by rivers ______, _______ and 

14)  Biggest delta in the world is _______. It is formed by the rivers _______ and _______.

15)   The triangular landmass towards the south of India is known as ____________.

On the physical map of India show the following(attach the map):
a)     Mountains – The Aravalli, Vindhya range and Western Ghats
b)    Rivers – Ganga , Narmada and Brahmaputra
c)     Islands – Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshwadeep